How Instagram Optimized Video Storage to Prevent Server Crash

Instagram faced the challenge of storing billions of videos and preventing server crashes. By optimizing video storage through innovative compression techniques, the platform reduced computing power usage by 94%, ensuring seamless performance for its 2 billion users.

How Instagram Optimized Video Storage to Prevent Server Crash
Instagram’s Strategy to Prevent Server Crashes by Optimizing Video Storage

The Challenge of Storing Billions of Videos

A visual representation of the challenge faced by Instagram in storing billions of videos. The image portrays a vast digital landscape filled with countless videos and photos symbolizing the overwhelming volume of uploads. In the foreground, there are icons representing 2 billion active users, each contributing to the massive influx of data. The central focus is on a giant, digital hourglass, with sand grains representing videos and photos, nearly full, symbolizing the imminent server crash due to the overload. In the background, looming server towers with warning lights flickering, indicating the critical state of their computing capacity. The atmosphere is tense, with digital streams and code running in the background, highlighting the urgency of finding a solution to the storage crisis.

Instagram, with its 2 billion monthly active users, faced a daunting challenge: storing an overwhelming number of videos and photos uploaded every second. The platform projected that within 12 months, their servers would crash due to insufficient computing capacity for video uploads. This situation demanded an urgent and innovative solution.

The Strategy: Optimize Rather Than Expand

A conceptual representation of Instagram's strategy to optimize existing servers rather than expanding with new data centers. The scene depicts a high-tech server room, where engineers (represented by diverse avatars) are actively working on existing servers, portrayed with glowing, efficient energy symbols. The servers are interconnected with streams of light, symbolizing optimized data flow. In one part of the image, there's a cross-section of a server, showing intricate details of the optimization process, like compression algorithms and energy-efficient coding. The background features discarded plans for new data centers, symbolizing the decision to optimize instead of expand. The overall atmosphere is one of innovation and efficiency, with digital code and energy-saving icons scattered throughout.

Instagram’s approach was to optimize existing servers instead of investing in new data centers, which would be a costly affair. The focus shifted to finding ways to save computing power during video uploads.

The Process: Understanding Video Compression

An illustrative depiction of Instagram's video compression process using H264 and AV1 codecs. The image shows a split scene: on one side, the H264 codec in action, depicted as a digital machine analyzing a video frame and visibly removing redundant information, symbolized by disappearing pixels. The other side shows the AV1 codec, represented as a more advanced and sleek machine, compressing a video into a noticeably smaller file size while maintaining high quality, indicated by crisp, clear pixels and data patterns. Between these two sides, various versions of compressed videos float in the air, representing different viewing conditions like thumbnail views and low bandwidth scenarios. The background is a network of data streams and code, highlighting the technical nature of video compression and the evolution from H264 to AV1.

Instagram’s servers generate multiple versions of each uploaded video to accommodate different viewing conditions, such as poor internet connections or thumbnail views. This process involves two types of video codecs: H264 and AV1. H264, a widely used codec since 2003, compresses videos by analyzing and removing redundant frame information. AV1, a newer and more efficient codec, offers 30% smaller file sizes with better quality and is open source and royalty-free.

The Discovery: A Significant Oversight

An imaginative visualization of Instagram engineers discovering a significant oversight in their video upload process. The scene shows a group of engineers (represented by diverse characters) gathered around a large holographic display. The display reveals the settings for basic adaptive bitrate and progressive encodings, shown as two nearly identical digital structures. Above the display, a light bulb symbolizes the moment of discovery. The engineers are then seen repackaging the progressive encodings into a new, more efficient file structure capable of handling higher bit rates, illustrated by a dynamic transformation of the digital structures. The background is filled with code and digital diagrams, emphasizing the technical nature of the discovery and the innovative solution that followed. The overall atmosphere conveys a sense of breakthrough and ingenuity.

Upon examining the video upload process, Instagram engineers discovered that the settings for the two minimum functionality encodings (basic adaptive bitrate and progressive encodings) were very similar. This led to a creative idea: repackaging the progressive encodings into a file structure that can handle higher bit rates. This would avoid doing the same work twice, saving time.

The Solution: A Clever Repackaging Technique

A visual representation of Instagram's clever repackaging technique for video processing. The scene depicts a dynamic transformation process, where an old, time-consuming video encoding method, illustrated by a bulky, slow-moving machine, is being replaced by a sleek, fast, and efficient new method, symbolized by a futuristic, streamlined machine. This new machine rapidly repackages progressive encodings, shown by fast-moving streams of data and light. A digital stopwatch is displayed prominently, contrasting the 0.36 seconds of the new method with the 86 seconds of the old method for a 23-second 720p video. In the background, the advanced AV1 encoding is highlighted, represented by high-quality, compact digital files flowing through the new system. The overall image conveys a sense of speed, efficiency, and technological advancement.

By repackaging the progressive encodings, Instagram significantly reduced the time and resources needed for video processing. The new method took only 0.36 seconds, compared to the previous 86 seconds for a 23-second 720p video. This approach allowed for more efficient use of resources, especially for the advanced AV1 encoding.

The Impact: Massive Savings and Lessons Learned

An illustrative depiction of the massive savings and lessons learned from Instagram's optimization process. The image shows a large, glowing '94%' symbol, representing the reduction in computing power. Around this symbol, diverse engineers are shown celebrating the achievement, with one holding a banner that reads 'Continuous Innovation.' Another part of the image shows a magnifying glass over a complex digital network, symbolizing the discovery of overlooked aspects in the system. Beside this, a light bulb is illuminating, representing the opportunity for significant improvements. The background is a blend of efficient servers and green energy symbols, emphasizing the environmental and operational benefits of the optimization. The overall scene conveys a message of triumph in innovation and the positive impact of re-evaluating even the 'good enough' areas of technology.

This optimization led to a 94% reduction in computing power. It highlighted the importance of continuous innovation, even in areas that seem “good enough.” The solution also demonstrated that overlooking certain aspects of complex systems is not necessarily a sign of bad engineering but rather an opportunity for significant improvements.


Instagram’s case study serves as an inspiring example of how a thoughtful approach to problem-solving and a willingness to re-examine existing processes can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency and performance. This story is a testament to the power of software engineering and its potential to drive innovation in the face of insurmountable challenges.